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Skin Brightening and Anti Aging with Kojic Acid and Vitamin C

Skin Brightening and Anti Aging with Kojic Acid and Vitamin C

Hyaluronic Acid -

Hyaluronic acid, also known as HA, is a natural compound found in skin that has many important functions, including holding in moisture, providing cushioning, adding in tissue repair, and holding together the skin's structural components (collagen and elastin). Topical products containing hyaluronic acid are effective at moisturizing surface skin cells.

-Moisturizing: Hyaluronic acid holds moisture well-holding up to 1000 times its weight in water. Hyaluronic acid functions not only to deliver water to the skin, but also to hold it there.

-Wrinkles: The loss of natural hyaluronic acid is one of the primary causes of wrinkles, so the idea of putting HA back into the skin to repair wrinkles makes sense! By reducing wrinkles, your skin looks younger and evens out skin tone, making it look smooth and supple.

-Safety: Hyaluronic acid based products are considered highly safe. 
Kojic Acid:

Kojic Acid was discovered as a natural product derived from a mushroom in Japan in 1989. It has been successfully used to lighten pigment spots and skin discoloration.  

Kojic acid can produce excellent effects in evenly toning the skin and fighting age spots. It is a 98% pure and natural material. Kojic acid may help diminish or eliminate sun freckles or other dark spots!

-Eliminate skin blemishes-Reduce age spots, fine lines, and acne scars.

-Freckles-All people have pigment-producing cells in our skin called melanocytes that produce melanin, which our skin uses to shield itself from the sun and other environmental hazards. While this pigment protects us from the sun, our melanocytes can become damaged if our skin receives too much sun exposure.  The result of damaged melanocytes is often an abundance of melanin fed into the dermis.  This process results in small brown spots called freckles.  Kojic acid fights freckles topically by countering the melanin in the area.

Alpha Arbutin:

Alpha Arbutin(4-Hydroxyphenyl-a-D-glucopyranoside) is a pure, water soluble. biosynthetic active ingredient. Alpha-Arbutin blocks epidermal melanin synthesis by inhibiting enzymatic oxidation of Tyrosine and Dopa. 
Alpha Arbutin has fewer side effects than hydroquinone of similar concentrations - presumably due to the more gradual release. It is a more effective, faster, and safer approach to promoting skin - brightening and an even skin tone for all skin types. Alpha Arbutin also minimizes the appearance of liver spots and meets all the requirements of a modern skin-brightening and skin depigmentation product. 
Alpha Arbutin is a gentle but powerful lightening agent that comes from the bearberry tree. It brings the benefits of strong melanin inhibitors such as hydroquinone, but without the odor, toxicity, and potential side-effects. Alpha Arbutin is quite simply a natural and effective alternative to other skin lightening chemical.

What it does:

-Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

-Hydrates and firms skin

-Evens out skin tone

Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid) :

Vitamin C is a powerful and effective antioxidant that protects us from free radicals that cause oxidative stress. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help our damaged skin look younger and healthier!

- Is more concentrated than nutritional Vitamin C
- Is rapidly absorbed so it won't rub or wash off
- Allows for greater penetration to the skin for greater benefit
- Neutralizes free radical damage
- Helps moisturize and increase skin hydration
- Stimulates collagen production and restores elasticity
- Prevents premature skin aging
- Decreases fine lines and wrinkles
- Lightens and brightens the skin for a more even skin tone

Vitamin C is used in skin care as a strong antioxidant AND promotes collagen production, which subsequently plumps the skin and allows your natural radiance and smoothness to shine!

Vitamin C is a prime ingredient of collagen, the substance that binds cells together. Collagen metabolism and production are key attributes of healthy, radiant, younger looking skin. Collagen, in fact, depends on vitamin C, which implies the vitamin's importance to healthy, attractive skin. Stable collagen production fights wrinkles, and ensures evenness in the skin's tone and texture.

Vitamin C's function as an antioxidant also benefits the skin, as it is able to protect the skin from damaging free radicals.


DMAE lightens the age spots that are commonly seen on the face, back of hands and arms. These brown spots are formed from the accumulated lipofuscin deposits in the body. 

Another age-defying effect of DMAE is its SKIN-TIGHTENING action that slows down the inevitable sagging of skin.

Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is the generic name for “tocopherol” and is available in four different forms. 

The beauty benefits of vitamin E come from its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants remove free radicals — the unstable compounds that damage the cell structure. 

Vitamin E can also be used to reduce the appearance of scars, acne, and wrinkles because it speeds up cell regeneration. This creates an anti-aging effect, which makes the skin look younger.

Vitamin E benefits the skin by helping it retain its natural moisture content. Vitamin E makes dull-looking, dry skin look healthier and fresher!


  • Directions

    Apply twice a day, once in the morning before your normal moisturizing routine and again in the evening to a cleansed face. Follow with moisturizer and sunscreen. As the serum is concentrated, only a small amount is needed. Refrigerator storage is recommended.

  • Ingredients


    Hyaluronic acid, Kojic acid, Alpha Arbutin, Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic acid), DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol), Vitamin E, Optiphen, Potassium sorbate, Citric acid, Distilled water


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